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Linking, expanding and advancing

In recent years, the public has become very conscious of environmental protection and is now required to observe the Energy Conservation Act. Against this backdrop, countries across the country are actively taking energy-saving measures.
Energy & Equipment Management Service enables business operators with operational bases dispersed across different geographical regions to effectively monitor, calculate and analyze energy consumption on a company-wide basis or for individual units, reduce the total energy cost and effectively prepare reports. In addition, our Service enables customers to construct flexible systems because it can be linked to any control system in respective business facilities. Furthermore, our Service has functions necessary for new electricity linkage/self-use wheeling of electricity*1, which are forms of energy control that connect facilities in remote areas, to reduce electricity procurement cost and cope with diversified electricity procurement in the future.

self-use wheeling of electricity:The structure which supplies electricity to another site with the transmission line of the electric power company from the private power generation of the site that the company holds.

  • Select from needs

Click on the icon, you can focus the needs.

  • Saving energy & costs
  • Operational efficiency improvement
  • BCP & safety
  • Environment & Enlightenment

I want to reduce my electricity bill.


We do not use much electricity, but our bill is high. We think we mostly use electricity during peak times. Is there an effective solution to lower our bill?

I want to reduce my electricity bill by using a peak-shifting strategy.


We wish to shift the peak time of our electricity consumption, but manually altering the peak time of our operating equipment is a difficult task.

I want to adjust systems operation to reduce energy costs.


Applying energy cost reduction targets to the operating plan for multiple facilities and equipment is not an easy task.

I want to reduce CO2 emissions from equipment operation.


Applying CO2 reduction targets to the operating plans for multiple facilities and equipment is not an easy task.

I want to achieve my energy target without fail.


Despite having a plan with clear targets in place, our performance for some reason deviates from that plan.

I want to interact with various systems supplied by other makers.


When we try to coordinate between several power consumers, we find that the corresponding systems are different.

I want to manage tenants efficiently.


We have many facilities across Japan, but the management systems for each building are different, making it hard to visually compare data.

I want to efficiently coordinate with on-site managers at various facilities or departments.


We do not know which instructions to issue to on-site managers for various facilities or departments.

I want to manage various infrastructure costs together.


Electricity, gas, and water services are managed separately, making it difficult to arrive at an overall picture of the data and formulate plans.

I want to minimize the work involved in reporting energy-saving performance.


Compiling reports for the government or municipalities is a time-consuming task.

I want to reflect operation performance data in managerial decisions.


We would like to discuss system operation costs at our management meeting, but cannot extract cost data from the large amount of available data.

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