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Function outline
Schedule control Minor schedule control Receiving minor schedules and changing, adding and deleting plans
Control of manufacturing instructions Control of manufacturing instructions Preparing and approving instructions, issuing instructions, and displaying the status of progress
Control of weighing instructions Preparing and approving weighing instructions
Inventory control Cargo reception control Receiving reception schedules, entering reception results, issuing test requests
Inventory control Inventory control, container control, storage reception/release control, stocktaking
Cargo reception/release control Preparing release instructions, controlling reception and release, and entering release results
Control of manufacturing tasks SOP control Controlling work procedures, entering records, and outputting labels
Weighing Tasks before and after weighing, weighing, conversion, residual weighing
Control of manufacturing records Confirming and approving manufacturing records, issuing records
Equipment data control Configuring and capturing equipment data, connecting weighing scales
Quality control Quality information control Preparing test requests, entering test judgments, and controlling expiry and use-by dates
System control System control Master control, Part 11 compatibility