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Middleware & Platform Software


The broad range of functions supports effective use of documents.

uCosminexus DocumentBroker has a full range of utilities that further enhance the value of collected documents. These utilities include functions for batch-registering and batch-extracting documents, a function for automatically converting the document format, and a function for analyzing the access log.

Batch registration and batch extraction of documents

You can batch-register multiple documents to a server running uCosminexus DocumentBroker while being aware of the folder structure. You can also batch-extract multiple documents being managed by the server.

Batch registration of index for full-text search

You can use uCosminexus DocumentBroker for batch-registering an index for a full-text search. This means that you can automatically extract text of various application programs such as Microsoft® Word, Ichitaro and PDF and register it in the index for a full-text search.

Applicable applications and file formats (version)

  • RTF (1.3/1.4/1.5)
  • Microsoft® Word (97/98/2000/2002/2003) , Microsoft® Excel (97/2000/2002/2003) ,Microsoft® PowerPoint (97/2000/2002/2003)
  • Acrobat <PDF> (3 <PDF1.2> / 4 <PDF1.2, 1.3> / 5 <PDF1.2, 1.3, 1.4> / 6 <PDF1.2,1.3, 1.4, 1.5> / 7* <PDF1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6> )
  • Lotus 1-2-3* (R5J/97/98/2000/Millennium Edition)
Supported only for HP-UX and Windows®.

Creation of rendition objects

You can batch-convert registered documents that were created using various application programs to a file having a format that is easy to reference, such as PDF or TIFF. You can then manage the files using multi renditions.

Log editing

You can output user access statuses and reports that analyze, classify and tabulate program processing details. This means that you can monitor illegal extraction.

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