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About functions

Q. What is the amount of current data required per motor for predictions?


We will conduct a PoC to determine the required amount of data. For example, in one of our past projects that used similar equipment (table motors), 100 seconds of continuous data was used.

About operations

Q. Who are the intended users of this solution? When should they use this solution?


This solution can quantitatively display the degree of deterioration of motors. Users can view this information and perform maintenance operations. Motors that have deteriorated most will be serviced first. We assume that the main users of this solution will be maintenance operators.

Q. When and how will data on currents be collected? Who will collect the data? How often will the data be collected?


This depends on the manufacturing process. Data collection and diagnostics can be performed automatically or manually (for example, by pressing a button).
Who should perform these operations depends on your needs, but we recommend that an operator perform these operations. It is best to collect data every day, but we will discuss with you to determine whether data can be acquired and when data should be collected.

Q. After this solution is deployed, how long will it take us to see the benefits of this solution?


That depends on your maintenance period or the degree of deterioration. If motors are likely to deteriorate easily, you might see changes in a few months.

About technologies

Q. What kind of and how much data on currents is needed for diagnostics?


That depends on your processes and diagnostic targets. For example, in one of our past projects, tens or hundreds of seconds of data on currents was needed for diagnostics.

Q. What kind of abnormalities can be detected through diagnostics?


You might see abnormalities in motor bearings and ancillary equipment. We will closely investigate the abnormalities.

Q. Is AI used for this solution? If yes, how is it used?


This solution combines our expertise on motors, OT expertise on plant control, and AI technologies.

OT: Operational Technology
AI: Artificial Intelligence

Q. Why are motors used for predictive diagnostics?


Motors are used everywhere, such as in infrastructure equipment used by the electricity sector and other industrial sectors. If one of the motors used in a factory stops running, all equipment might stop or other grave consequences might occur. Especially, stoppages of infrastructure equipment must be prevented by all means. This is one of the reasons why we use motors for predictive diagnostics.

Q. For diagnostics, do we need data on currents from all the three phases?


No, we use only one of the three phases.

About sales and delivery

Q. What is the price?


We will make an estimate for you.

Q. What are the target industries of this solution?


The targets are the industrial and social infrastructure sectors in general. We are planning to provide this solution to the iron and steel industry first, and then to other industries.

Q. How long will it take to deploy this solution? What is the procedure for deploying the solution?


Please refer to the "Procedure before use."

Q. Do you offer a PoC service?


Yes. The cost varies depending on the target devices and the subjects of analysis.

About benefits and case examples

Q. What are the benefits of this solution?


Likely benefits include reduced downtime and maintenance costs, and increased safety in maintenance operations.