To resolve societal issues, Hitachi is harnessing its expertise in fields such as
mathematical optimization, simulation, software development techniques,
and security, to create complete systems by connecting OT x IT x Products.
Based on the concept of Autonomous Decentralized System, Hitachi has been developing and delivering technologies for step-by-step expansion, renovation, and operational optimization of public infrastructure in order to achieve collaboration and cooperation between systems over lifecycles and/or beyond industrial fields.
In order to realize rapid and high-quality software development, our technology is innovating the software lifecycle from development to operation and maintenance by using data analysis, AI and software development automation.
Our security technologies not only protect IoT devices and data such as personal information against cyber-attacks, but also contribute to safe and secure public infrastructure based on digital trust.
Solving complex societal issues using digital technology in services delivered by multi-company ecosystems, such as digital cities, and urban transportation and logistics.